25 January, 2010

One World One Heart 2010



I'm excited to say that its that time of the year again... the time for the wonderful blogging event One World, One Heart that was created by the creative Lisa Swifka! I had such a fun time participating in this event last year, met so many creative bloggers and made lots of new friends... in order to explain a little better the purpose of this event, I'll share an exerpt from Lisa, the creator herself!

"The original idea behind this giveaway event was to bring bloggers together from around the world who may never ordinarily meet. It closes the gap of the blog community and enables us to interact, discover new and wonderful people, and in the process possibly win a prize or many prizes along the way. 2007 had roughly 85-90 participants and many connections were made because of it......friendships that are still going strong.
We had a strong showing the first year for sure, and then in 2008 we had just about tripled that number. In 2009 there were 911 participants, to say I was amazed is an understatement. 28 countries were represented in the 2009 event as well.

You don't need to be an artist to participate each year, this is open to everyone. What it's not meant for is self promotion. Meaning that the mission of this event is to meet new people and them meet you, rather than be a commercial for each persons specific endeavors. Many people have links to their websites, Etsy sites etc. already on their blog therefore the "visitor" can click on those to find out more about what a person does. The aim is for the event post itself to be about welcoming and showing what each visitor has a chance to win by stopping by.....AND giving the visitor a chance to read and learn more about each person along the way.
Think of this as taking a giant tour of homes; you get to stop in, look around, meet the people who live there, admire and be inspired and before you go on to the next one you leave your name in hopes to win a door prize at each home."

I am giving away 3 prizes this year to the first three names drawn!!! Here they are...


First prize is an original Art Block titled "The King's Daughter". Printed from original painting and mounted on canvas. Hand punched and ink stained foil frames outside of canvas. Nails embellish either side creating a beautiful, fine art quality, ready to hang painting!
(Size: 5x7")


Second prize is an original Art Block titled "Friends". Printed from original painting and mounted on canvas. Hand punched and ink stained foil frames outside of canvas. Nails embellish either side creating a beautiful, fine art quality, ready to hang painting!
(Size: 4x4")


Third prize is a pair of unique, funky, mini-art earrings- perfect for any art lover! These unique earrings are made out of 100% recycled bottle caps. Mounted on cap is a fine art print of my original mixed mediapainting titled "Sisters" and sealed with a water-resistant, satin finishing varnish.

All you need to do is leave me a comment ON THIS POST and be sure to include your name and email so I have a way to get a hold of you if you are the winner! That's it!

The winners name(s) will be drawn using a random number generator on FEBRUARY 15th, so be sure to enter now to get your name in the drawing!!!

If you are interested in finding out more about how you can participate in this as well, please click on the One World One Heart picture above to visit the website and see rules.

I will be adding new art works, creations, and random ramblings to my blog weekly, so feel free to
Subscribe to my blog and keep in touch!


Thank you to all who have entered!!! My winners have been drawn (as it is 6pm on the 15th here in New Zealand!) I will be posting winners SOON!!!! This has been so much fun, thank you for participating in OWOH 2010 and I hope to see you again next year!


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 379 of 379
A mermaid in the attic said...

Lovely work! Please count me in, and drop by my blog to join my giveaway too, I'm # 592! :)

Michelle Frae Cummings said...

what a truly amazing artist you are!
Thanks for a chance to win!
#877 OWOH

Tester Mari said...

Your artwork is so beautiful, I'd love to enter and I'd love even more to win, of course! =D

marilavado (at) gmail.com

Yvonne said...

Beautiful work and lovely giveaway. Please enter me. I"m #736.

Maple Ridge Vintage said...

very creative and beautiful pieces of art. please include me. stop by my blog and enter too I'm #886.

Jenni said...

Love your artwork and would be pleased to be entered into your draw.
Jenni x

Anonymous said...

Lovely giveaway!

Cal said...

All three pieces are very nice, I really like the middle, one with the three women faces.

Unknown said...

Still creating the most beautiful pieces... you inspired me last year to try and do faces and I have had a blast... THANK YOU for that and I hope you drop by to look at my giveaway

OWOH #82

pippirose said...

Your artwork is beautiful!
I'd love the chance to enter.
Piroska from NW Ontario
pippirose59 at gmail dot com

Jasmine said...

Hello Shariya, happy to meet you. I love your recycled ottle cap earings. Up-cycling is such a good idea.



Elizabeth Johnson said...

I love your blocks. Thank you for an opportunity.
#291 http://windandhoney.blogspot.com

Pixiewinkle said...

Greetings from New York! Your work is stunning. Would love any of your giveaways! Please count me in. Enjoy your magic carpet ride! #276

Anonymous said...

awesome work, love the colors used and shades =)


If you like creepy ugly things, enter my giveaway as well =D
I'm #889 on the magic carpet!

Tanya said...

What a great giveaway, thank you
Tanya #828

Deirdra Doan said...

Hi good to see your lovely art again...we were in Misty's class...I have a doll giveaway. Hope I win.

Paperfanatic said...

Oh wow, I love these. I think my favourite is the first one, but they are all beautiful. my blog is http://paperfanatic.blogspot.com

ozlynda said...

Hello Shariyah from Australia,
Your work is really beautiful and speaks to me, especially "friends".
I love the funky earrings too!
Please enter me into the draw.

Unknown said...

Beautiful art! Would love to win.

Inge Bungart said...

wow- Great giveaway, thanks for the chance to win

Hazel said...

Very nice!! Please enter me. #813 xx

Mia J. said...

All of your pieces are so beautiful. I would be thrilled to win one of them. Thanks for the chance.

Lady Kina said...

I love the first prize so much! I hope I win that one, but they all are great and I love your blog!!!


Shannon said...

I love your paintings. The sisters one really touches my heart. I have 8 sisters and they are my best friends! Great giveaway.

Javajune said...

Your artwork seems very spiritual, I love it. Your work and your words are very inspiring, so glad I stopped by on my carpet ride.

divaqueenie said...

Your art work is wonderful, thank you for sharing with us.

Kate Simms said...

Each prize is wonderful art.


chubmoma said...

thanks for the chance to win one of your creations.

Connie (chubmoma@verizon.net)

Micki said...

Your work is wonderful! Please enter me!

Sanny said...

What a beautiful giveaway, your work is amazing!! :)

Cory said...

Beautiful giveaways...please count me in.

Unknown said...

WoW! Really nice works of art, just beautiful.
Jan #622

s hyler said...

I would love to be included in your wonderful drawing.

jamaise said...

I remember your work from last year. Yours I'm sure are a favorite along the magic carpet ride. It seems that everything you touch becomes more beautiful :)
I hopr you'll visit Wishing Penny #916

RR said...

Lovely! Thanks for the chance.

Tamara C said...

What a wonderful artist you are! Please do enter me to win one of these delights and thank you for having such a generous heart! Hugs, Tamara :)

AtomicWarBride said...

OOOH, these are wonderful! Please sign me up! And please check out my blog for more OWOH action!

Dschrader said...

Your work is gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to win!

Krissy said...

I love your work!! (I also just had to tell you how much I love your piece Embrace!)

Healing Expressions said...

Adore your work! Just beautfiful! Would love to be included at a chance for this beautiful blessing! I also in on the fun(#846) so stop by!

Anonymous said...

Amazing work! i love "friends"!


ardith said...

You are truly talented. I'd be honored to own any one of these. So, please enter my name and if you'd like, pop over to my blog #983. Thanks

Teresa said...

Hello from California!
Truly enjoying your blog...
Lovely give away!
off on a magic carpet ride! * whoosh *


Anonymous said...

What beautiful artwork! It would have pride of place in my home. Please enter me in the drawing for it. Thank you. It's a treat to visit your blog through OWOH.

Sharne Gregory said...

I love the canvas's you have created. Please include me. #437

Serendipity Handmade + Vintage said...

I would love to have a work of your art! Thanks for the chance to win!

Carrieann said...

Hi from Las Vegas!

Love your work and would be SO happy to win one of your paintings! Thanks for having us over to visit.

We hope you'll come visit us (#467) and check out our OHOW Giveaway...

JivesJools said...

Beautiful work here. Very creative! and what a fantastic giveaway! Please count me in...and pop over to my place to check out my giveaway! Hope your havin a great weekend!

Isn't this such a wonderful event!

Much love

JivesJools said...

Beautiful work here. Very creative! and what a fantastic giveaway! Please count me in...and pop over to my place to check out my giveaway! Hope your havin a great weekend!

Isn't this such a wonderful event!

Much love

Wanda Maria said...

Greetings from NW Arkansas! Please enter me into your fantastic drawing and be sure to visit my blog for a chance to win, too. #56

Christy said...

such beautiful giveaways! thank you for the chance!

Peggy said...

Beautiful blog!Beautiful work! I am flying on my magic carpet ,visiting from Connecticut. Thanks for the lovely giveaway I am blog #937

janil said...

WOW!!!!!!!!!I fell in love with your work!!!!!Please pick me up!!!
cal_rubies at yahoo dot es
I follow you now!

EvalinaMaria said...

Hello from the north of 60! I hope you are enjoying ride on the Magic Carpet as much as I do. Please add my name to the draw!

JaN's ArTy JouRneY said...

Wow, what a stunning giveaway!! Love your art work!
Off to have another look at your fabby blog!
Jan x

Juli said...

Your art is fantastic!

snuckeynuck said...

Love your work. Count me in!

Lisa W. said...

Please enter my name. :0)
OWOH #1025

CathyH said...

So much enjoying your art! Thank you for being part of the OWOH!
With love from Tennessee, U.S.A. #1035

Unknown said...

please include me in your giveaway and come enter mine...Melinda #71

nologic said...

Beautiful art blocks and earrings. You are so talented. Please enter me in your drawing.

Nancy Markosky said...

Beautiful art- wow! I was just at your mother's blog and am amazed by your incredibly artistic family.Please add my name to your generous giveaway and I hope you are having as much fun as I am, hopping from blog to blog, checking out all these creative people.

Lisa said...

Your artwork is amazing.. the faces are beautiful and the pieces are unique. I love what you've done with the earrings and the friends painting is very special. Please toss my name in the hat and drop by my blog if you get a chance.

Deborah said...

Your prizes are so cool. I love the ladies in your art work and the use of barely visible letters and words in some of your works. The funky earrings are really interesting too. Please add me to your drawing.

Sugar and Spice Art Confections said...

I love your slide show! Your work is very evocative and moody. I adore it! Thank you for sharing the carpet ride!

La Petite Maison Blanche said...

Your work and blog are beautiful! I'd love to win, so please enter my name! Thanks!

Unknown said...

I'd love to have any of these; I love the faces of your women! Hope you'll stop by mine, #203.

Leslie said...

Wonderful giveaways....your artwork is beautiful.


gentrified said...

This is oh-so-awesome! Please pick me. <3 I love your blog, btw. :)

pamdux said...

Awesome, please enter me. duxburypam2@gmail.com

Heather Simpson-Bluhm said...

Stunning work. Please come by and visit my blog giveaway as well.
OWOH #978

Deb K said...

Please enter me in this Super Giveaway!

Thanks so much!


Elsina said...

Love your work and your blog! Would love to win, thanks for the chance!

Teresa aka Tess said...

Greetings from Kansas, Wow!! Your artwork is gorgeous. Such generous gifts, thanks for the offerings. Count me in please and stop by my blog too.
Teresa aka Tess

Birgit said...

Hi there,

Your artwork is beautiful -- thanks for the chance to win one of your pieces. :)

If a glass bead necklace sounds good, you might want to visit my blog. It would be a pleasure to welcome you there. :)

Greetings from Munich,
# 849

Glassgrrl Studios said...

What a fun variety of pieces you've created. :)

Maija said...

Beautiful. generous giveaway!!

Anne said...

absolutely gorgeous!!
please count me in:))


greenest mermaid said...

What beautiful work you do!
Please feel free to come by my bloggie as well :)

Jona Panesa said...

awesome giveaways!!! Please enter me in your drawing and stop by my blog for my ATC giveaway! youch17(at)yahoo(dot)com

Jona Panesa said...

awesome giveaways!!! Please enter me in your drawing and stop by my blog for my ATC giveaway! youch17(at)yahoo(dot)com

foxygknits said...

Hi Shariyah! Thank you so much for stopping by Atlanta and visiting my blog. I am now in New Zealand visiting you.

Your art is magnificent, and your giveaways are unreal. I would be honored to call any one of them mine. So, please count me in.

Foxy G., #113 on the Magic Carpet Ride

Debbie said...

You do beautiful work, Shariyah. Thanks for counting me in.

Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

Thanks you for stopping by my blog and inviting me over. I'm so glad I did, your artwork is amazing!

I would love the chance to win one of them, so please enter me into your drawing. Thanks!

artymarty said...

Your work is beautiful. Thank you for entering my name
Martina #1038

Unknown said...

Wow what beautiful work you do! I especially love the first piece! It would be such an honour to win and get to put up your work in my home-they're just amazing! Please count me in! Hugs, Rowena

Jo said...

Hi Shariyah. Thank you so much for stopping by my OWOH blog on your magic carpet ride. Had to whizz over here to return the visit and delighted that I did. Wow... your artwork is truly amazing! Please include my name in your draw for one of your gorgeous creations.
Off now to explore your site some more.
Big hugs xx

Rella said...

Gorgeous and generous gifts. Thank you for the opportunity to win. Please enter my name and thank you for your visit to Faerieluna.

xox Rella

Sandi M said...

Shariyah, Hello from the blizzard area of PA. I'm so glad you visited me over at #1091 so that I found my way here :) What beautiful art you create. How lucky to be born into a family of artists! Please put me in your drawing. Any of your work would look lovely in my home or upon my ears!

Maryjo said...

Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a kind comment.

Your portraits are absolutely beautiful! It would be an honor to win one.

Please stop by again soon!

mimiandnana (at) yahoo (dot) com

Lady Artisan said...

Your art is beautiful! The giveaways are really gorgeous--definitely count me in.

And thanks so much for stopping by my blog earlier.

Lady Artisan

Kristin said...

Your work is stunning! I am so impressed with your style and talent! And I think it's so cool to have found your calling at such a young age - you are one to watch! Have fun in Misty's class - I know you will love it! Kristin xo
Twinkle, Twinkle #54

Express said...

Love your work! Hope I win!

Debbie @ OtRD said...

Thanks for stopping by. I am always excited to find people in NZ because I use to live there. I was in the Ponsonby area for about a year and worked in Parnel. Auckland is such a wonderful city! I've been to Waiheke Island too, what a peaceful and beautiful island.

And you lived in TN? What a small world!

You artwork is amazing. Please enter me in your giveaway and stop by anytime.


Terrielee said...

Oh my Shariyah! Your artwork is stunning! Your generosity is amazing as well! Lucky is the person who wins one of your beautiful giveaways! Please include me in your drawing!
OWOH is so exciting! To think that you are from New Zealand and I am from PA (USA) and gosh, we have met and admire each other's talent! Awesome!
Good Luck and Best Wishes to you!
And thank you for visiting my blog too!
Terrielee :)

Colleen said...

Your work is fabulous! Wonderful giveaway. Thanks for visiting my blog

Jenny said...

Oh my gosh, these are GORGEOUS, I would to win a piece of your beautiful artwork and such a generous giveaway!! Thanks so much for the chance to enter and also for your lovely comments on my blog
smiles from Australia
Jenny x

B.B. Bellezza said...

You do amazing work. I have been enjoying checking out your blog!

Thanks for stopping by my blog, too!

Lisa said...

Wow - these are amazing! You have such talent! Honestly, I would love to paint like that...and the emotion really comes through.

Thanks, too, for visiting my giveaway and your kind comments about my book (http://lifeunity.blogspot.com).

Many blessings!
#1086 from Indiana

BellaLunaArts said...

Just wonderful work! I'd be honored to win one of your goodies! Thanks for stopping by!Peace & blessings, Bridgette

Sarah said...

Your work is so lovely! I would love to enter your giveaway! Thanks for visiting and leaving such a nice comment for William!

laurel said...

You do beautiful work! Thanks for visiting my blog and your lovely comments.

rochambeau said...

Would love to win any of your great art!

Flora said...

OH PLEASE add me too!!!! Your art is just too lovely not to try and
win it!!!!

Connie said...

please enter me in your gorgeous giveaway! thank you!

Evelyn's Wonderland said...

Greetings from South Florida,
I just love your giveaways and your artwork is beautiful. Please count me in!
Evelyn #540 on OWOH

Marie said...

What gorgeous work, love the soulful eyes! Thanks for the chance to win and to meet you during OWOH!
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
OWOH necklace giveaway

barbara r-g said...

it has been fun to go to all the incredible artist blogs out in web land. love your creativity and would be honored to own one.

Lyneen said...

WONDER giveaway,very generous!

What a wonderful magic carpet ride this has turned out to be. Thanks for stopping by my blog and entering my giveaway. GOOD LUCK
OWOH. I am #177 http://dreamingofcastles.blogspot.com/

Jen xo said...

you are very talented , i would love to be included in your giveaway....
thanks for stopping by my blog too jenxo

Unknown said...

i really like your style. please enter me in to win one,

and thanks for stopping by and visiting me.


Jennifer Pearson Vanier said...

You are so very gifted. It would be an honour to have my name picked for a piece of your work. Thank you for visiting my blog . #968

Anonymous said...

Hi Thanks for visiting my blog I am glad to see you. I have always loved you art! Please enter me to win

MarissaDW said...

Your drawing and watercolour paintings are wonderful. I love your work. Thank you for the opportunity of winning your draw prizes.

Kristal said...

What a fabulous giveaway! I would love a chance to win any one of your wonderful creations! Please toss my name into the hat!
And be sure to visit my blog, Grace Goods, Ticket Holder #1018, for my OWOH giveaway!

Enjoy the Ride!

Wendy said...

Wonderful work. Thanks for visiting my blog.
Wendy OWOH #996

Kathryn Uster said...

Absolutely stunning work! Such sensitive portraiture!
I joined your blog as I love portraits! Please enter me in your giveaway
Kathryn Uster #1033 and please visit me at www.acomawestcollage.com
Thank you Shariyah, for stopping by my blogspot. have a great day!

Anna Circo said...

You have a beautiful site, it's very inspirational. Please add me to your sweet giveaways and come visit sometime, 1066. Thank you!

Unknown said...

Shariyah, thank you for visiting my blog and leaving your kind comments! Oh yes, chocolate rules!

Your artwork is extraordinary and I'd love the opportunity to win one of the lovely pieces you're giving away!

Thank you for sharing and have a beautiful day!


Cory said...

Love your work...love blind sketching and contour drawing.

Please enter me in the draw.
Beautiful giveaway.

Unknown said...

wow! i would love to win any of your prizes...thanks so much for including me and entering my drawing too! melinda

Lynda said...

Beautiful giveaways! Please count me in! Thanks for dropping by my blog.


ischilly said...

Wunderschön, besonders der 3. Preis!
Danke für den Besuch auf meiner Seite!

Lisa said...

Thanks for stopping by the mountain mermaid. I'd love to be included in your giveaway, too. The king's daughter is beautiful! Cheers from Colorado - Lisa

Peggy Parker said...

Your work is heavenly - love the female images! peggyswfl at yahoo dot com

Marina said...

Incredible talent! I LOVE all your paintings!
I hope I win #1!!!!

Artbybdell said...

Great give away I would love to win, please enter me. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Good luck in all the drawings.

Fi said...

Oh gosh I just love your second prize. Tomorrow I will come back and visit you for longer. Thanks for stopping by my blog www.tizduster.typepad.com

Fi said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Diane said...

Gorgeous giveaways. Please include my name. Thank for the chance to win & thanks for dropping by my blog. Cheers from California!

Liz Revit said...

Greetings from northeast Pennsylvania! Your artwork is fantastic, and I love your giveaways.
Please enter my name. I'd be honored.

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. It was lovely meeting you on this OWOH tour.

I'm having a blast meeting everyone from around the world. Take care!

Papergail said...

Hi Shariyah,
Thank you for commenting on my blog OWOH 885. My magic carpet is very slow but I am trying to get to all those that commented. Please include me in you draw, I'd love to win any of your pieces.
Gail :-) Greetings from across the ditch

Deann LMFT said...

Thank you so much for visiting me! I love meeting other Frida fans. Your artwork is beautiful! I have always dreamed of going to New Zealand - but hope to be moving to New Mexico in the next few years- so looks like we have a very similar aesthetic! Wonderful give away!

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

Thank you for participating in this year's OWOH event. Your talent knocks me OUT! Your paintings, sketches, even blind sketching. Faces are my favorite thing to paint or draw but you give them the soul I wish mine had. WOW!
I would be honored to enter your giveaway!!!
Lisa Swifka

sharon said...

Your work is incredible!! Thanks so much for the chance to win, and thank you for visiting me!

Julie G. said...

Greetings from s. Texas! Thank you for stopping at ticket #541 on your Magic Carpet Ride! Please enter me to win one of your great prizes! Julie.....and I'm off!

Sherry Goodloe said...

Each one of your giveaway creations are just GORGEOUS . . . in all CAPS!

Thank you for the opportunity to win and thank you for stopping by and entering my OWOH giveaway today as well.

Good luck to BOTH of us *smiles*

Ruth Armitage said...

Thanks for visiting ArtistRuth! I love your blog & your work. Would love to get lucky here....

molleemac said...

Oh thank you so much for flying over to my blog so I could get to know you and your amazing art. I would love to win one of your give aways!

Happy Valentines day!


Tara said...

What beautiful boxes! The earrings are lots of fun too! Please add me to your drawing. Thanks so much for stopping by and joining my giveaway, it was a pleasure to meet you on the magic carpet ride!

Lilla said...

Aloha and Kia ora, from a kiwi in the Islands, thanks for visiting. Please put my name into the draw. Love your art. How is Waiheke?
Was there recently.
Like to visit at least once a year.
aloha Lilla with aroha

Mickey said...

How pretty. I would love to be entered into you drawing. So glad OWOH brought me to your blog. :-)


Lisa Gatz said...

Oh my gosh, those are breathtaking! Please enter my name, too. Thanks!

Dorthe said...

Hi and thanks for your sweet visit,
I am so in love with your boxes, they are beautifull work of art, and the earrings I would be proud to wear.
Please count me in.

Hi Dorthe

Gini said...

Oh Shariyah your work is just beautiful!
Please count me in.
Thank you for visiting me on your magic carpet.
And Thank you so much for your generosity and I hope you have a wonderful year blogging with all your new friends.
Gini (Entry #1040)
A Little Bit of Shiny Blog

Laura said...

Fantastic paintings. Thanks for visiting my OWOH blog stop no: 73. Count me in.

Doda said...

You are very talented! Lovely!
Please enter me to win! Thanks. ANd thanks for visiting my blog!

Red said...

Oh Shariyah! There is a soulfulness in your art that is a feast for my eyes. So glad I found your blog.
___________xo ____ xo






Adagio Beadcrafters said...

Greetings from Florida USA
Thanks for stopping by my blog on your magic carpet ride through OWOH.

Your work is really beautiful!


she dreams big! said...

Thanks for entering my OWOH giveaway! Now, how about signing me up for yours! You have such a wonderful talent for creating beautiful artwork! Thanks for the chance to win! uffda_68787@yahoo.com

Barbara Marr said...

Thank you for visiting my blog # 840. Your art blocks are so serene. Good luck to us both.

Violette Laporte said...

Lovely giveaways. Thank you for sharing. I'll come back for a longer visit. And thanks for stopping by.
violette de chicoutimi 621

My name is Cindy said...

yum yum yum yum !! Would love any of these!! Your work is awesome!

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog.

Cindy #603

Unknown said...

Please enter me in your fantastic giveaway! I'm having one on my blog as well :)


Anonymous said...

Your work is absolutely exquisite Shariyah, what a fabulous find! Please enter me for a chance to win and thank you for visiting my blog.
My email address is listed in my Blogger profile.

GraceBeading said...

Thanks for stopping in to see me. I came back to visit your blog and was sure I had entered, but didn't find my name (sometimes I seem to forget the verification). Anyway, I love your work and am fascinated by your travel, growing up in the states and then moving to what sounds like a very beautiful place.

Thanks for the chance to have one of your lovely creations.

Sandi said...

beautiful, wondrous art! I would love to win.
Thanks for the visit

Kansas Amy said...

Please enter me for the great OHOW giveaway! I would love to win!
Thanks for letting me visit!
Stop by to visit me sometime..... http://creativeinkansas.blogspot.com

alovelymadness said...

Your wedding photos are breathtaking.
What a gorgeous couple.

Love the journal pages you posted and your slide shows. The Scanner one is so cool.

I really enjoyed my visit.
And your presents are wonderful and generous.

Thanks for stopping by Turn Left at the Pigs.
Diane #893

Donna, The Decorated House said...

Hi Shariyah~
Thanks for stopping by my blog, it is so nice to meet you!
I would love to be in your drawing for a chance to win your beautiful art.

Nina and/or Ruthie66 said...

I would love to win one of your gorgeous works or art! Thanks for visiting my blog too! Nina in San Diego

LivArtNow said...

Hi there :)

Thank you so much for visiting my blog and showing me the way to yours!! LOVE your art and would love a chance to win at your lovely generous giveaway!!

Hugs and thanks,

Unknown said...

Great Gifts your offering! Plese include me in your drawing and thanks for visiting my blog!

acabinetofcuriosities said...

What a lovely giveaway and what a pleasure it's been to visit you blog. Be sure to stop by and enter my drawing.


Lydia said...

What absolute lovelies! So nice to have found you and your blog:) Neat necklaces.

Lydia (Beauty Will Surely Save the World)

Lydia,Oh,Lydia! Art

OWOH #1055

Thornton Berry Shire Press said...

You are truly an awesome talent...I've met your mother and sister through this event also..she actually set me up with a gentleman who lives in my town..how funny is that? I left a message for you about a print I am interested in of Frieda...please get back to me..in the meantime...thx for playing, June

Allegro Melody Art Dolls said...

Lovely work! Thanks for visiting my blog, too.

KV Creative Designs said...

Here I am on my Magic Carpet visiting all the wonderful Blogs that are participating! Thank you for the opportunity to win your giveaway!
If you have not done so already ride your Magic Carpet over to #136 and enter my giveaway!

Happy New Year & Artful Blessings,

Anonymous said...

You're paintings are beautiful. Please count me in.

pixiegypsy said...

I want in.....Thanks for a chance to win such a lovely prize!

jeanniesbeads said...

Love your give-aways. Please enter me!


LuLu Mypinkturtle said...


I am LuLu at MyPinkTurtle, very pleased to meet you...

What a lovely blog you have my dear! And a beautiful giveaway too!

Please add me to your list of participants. And if you haven't stopped by my place for a little visit, please drop by anytime. My number is 991, all you have to do is click on this link http://mypinkturtle.blogspot.com/2010/01/time-for-one-world-one-heart-giveaway.html and it will open up the door to my studio!

Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

I adore your blog. I will be back.

Thank you for visiting mine.



Unknown said...

I would love ANY of these :)

misaacmom at gmail dot com #752 OWOH ticket holder

thanks for participating in OWOH

Anonymous said...

I love your work! please enter me in your drawing!

Rosanne said...

Wonderful giveaway! Thanks for flying by my blog!

Gera Scott Chandler said...

GORGEOUS WORK! I'd love to be included in the draw!


Pixie-Post said...

Wow! Those boxes are amazing! So cute!

Piper Rain said...

Love love your work think we were friends in another lifetime! Lovely blog! Count me in http://piperrainpress.blogspot.com/#1082

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